










Spring School Trip

Every year, soon after the start of a new school year, our school takes students on a field trip to help cement good relations between the different classes in each grade and build relationships between students.

On Monday, April 24, all three grades were able to go on field trips this year thanks to the lifting of COVID-19-related travel restrictions in Japan.

The destination of each trip changes from year to year, and this year, the first graders went to Hiruzen Kogen Center & Joyful Park, the second graders went to Brazilian Park Washuzan Highland, and the third graders went sightseeing around Izumo Taisha Shrine.

The weather was a little chilly on the day of the tour, but the students were able to enjoy the whole day without being caught in the rain.

We hope all the students had a good time and that the trip provided them with a chance to refresh before settling back into their schoolwork and club activities.

*Photos shown in grade order


「1年生 :蒜山高原センター 」


「2年生 : 鷲羽山ハイランド 」


「3年生 :出雲大社周辺観光 」