米子松蔭高等学校が選ばれる理由 Reasons for Choosing Yonago Shoin High School
魅力その1Reason 1
未来を生き抜く力を育てるFostering the Ability to Thrive in the Future
建学の精神に基づいた人間教育。 Since its establishment in 1955, Yonago Shoin has endeavored to live up to its founding ideal of education as a means for students to grow as people and reach their full potential.
社会の一員としての礼節を身につけることを第一とし、そのうえで実社会で価値を生み出せる人間になるために必要な、行動力やスキル、豊かな人間性の育成に力を入れています。IT技術の革新やグローバル化など、時代とともに変化する社会を常に想定し、確実に未来を生き抜く「生きる力」を身につけます。 We place the highest priority on the development of civic mindedness as a member of society with our student body. We also focus on the cultivation of the dynamism, skills, and rich sense of humanity necessary to become a person who can create value in the real world. We will help students acquire the life skills they need to thrive in the future.
魅力その2Reason 2
幅広い選択肢A Wide Range of Options to Help Student’s Find and Realize Their Dreams
個性を伸ばしていくために。 We work closely with each student to help guide them with their dreams and ambitions and foster a sense of individuality.
また、学業だけでなく毎日の学校生活を送るなかで、さまざまな異なる目標を持つ生徒たち同士、お互いの個性を認め合い支え合う環境があり、すべての生徒にとって自らを高め成長させる居場所がここにはあります。 As a school offering an elective general education curriculum, we provide a wide range of options through a diverse curriculum.
In addition to academics, students who have different goals in their daily school life can support each other by recognizing each other’s individuality, and there is a place for all students to improve themselves and grow.
魅力その3Reason 2
確かな進路保証A Guaranteed Career Path
個別対応で応援します。 We provide individualized support for every career path, whether for higher education or for employment.
膨大な蓄積データを元に進路の分析を行うことによって、その都度的確な指導をしています。 We provide detailed career guidance by assigning experienced teachers with the required specialization for each career path, including advice on higher education options, such as universities, junior colleges, and various specialized training schools and employment opportunities both within and outside the prefecture.
We provide precise guidance by analyzing career paths based on a large amount of data we have accumulated from educational institutions and companies.