感性を育む教育School Information
米子松蔭高等学校は、勉強に力を入れるだけでなく、社会に出てから役に立つことと、豊かに生きる感性を学んでもらうために、生徒一人ひとりの個性を大切にしながら実践能力を育んでいます。本校の教育方針には在学中のみならず、卒業後の長い人生もいきいきと、たくましく歩んで欲しいという願いが込められています。高校生活はそのための成長の場でなければならない、それがわたしたち米子松蔭高等学校の信念です。An Education that Imbues Students with the Sensibility to Live an Abundant Meaningful Life.
Yonago Shoin High School’s focus is not solely on academics. To prepare students for the world they will enter upon graduation and instill in them a sense of the rich diversity of life, we also nurture practical skills while valuing each student’s individuality.
The school’s educational policy is based on the hope that students will be able to flourish not only during their school years but also in their working lives long after they graduate. Our belief at Yonago Shoin High School is that high school life should be a place for growth toward this purpose.
校長あいさつMessage from principal

今後とも、本校に対するご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。 Ever since its founding, the unchanging purpose of our school has been to cultivate our students into conscientious and productive members of society. Given the rapidly changing nature of our modern world, our specific focus is on enabling students to flexibly apply their knowledge and skills to new situations, and to do so with the unyielding spirit they have gained through an active school life.
This ideal is embodied by our school motto: “Honesty, Motivation, Passion, and Open-mindedness”; “Honesty” means always treating others with truth and dignity, “Motivation” means always putting in the effort necessary to achieve your goals, “Passion” means never giving up and staying positive regardless of the challenge being faced, and “Open-mindedness” means never hiding your true feelings when communicating with others. If you follow these precepts and keep this motto in your heart, you will find yourself gradually becoming a better person. By persevering through obstacles we can find a sense of fulfilment and personal growth when accomplishing even the smallest of daily goals.
The rigors of both academic and extracurricular life at Yonago Shoin high school can often be a challenging experience for incoming students. But rising to face this challenge is part of the journey that students embark on so that they can become the adults they wish to be. As such, our teachers and staff are constantly working to support students in the pursuit of whatever endeavor they choose.
From this day onward, let’s work together to understand one another and find the best path forward.