




校訓School Motto

誠実・力行・明朗・率直Integrity, Strength, Positivity, Candor

建学の精神Founding Spirit

社会で真に役立つ実践的人材の育成Fostering capable individuals who can play a truly useful role in society.

教育目標Educational Goals

重点目標Core Goals
Based on the spirit of the school’s founding principles, we will strive to develop individuals with the skills required for society in the future.
Our main aim is to nurture the ability among students to have a broad perspective and wide-ranging knowledge and to independently create new things from a diverse range of values.

教育方針Educational Policy

1.自主自立の精神の涵養Cultivate a spirit of independence and self-reliance
責任と義務を尊重しつつ、自ら進んで目標に向かい、より高次の価値を求める精神を養う。While respecting our responsibilities and obligations, we cultivate a spirit of seeking higher values using our own initiative to pursue our goals.
2.人間性の陶冶Cultivate humane and caring individuals
規律を守るとともに、人の苦しみや悲しみを正しく理解し、適切な行動のできる豊かで調和のとれた健全な人格の育成をめざす。Aiming to cultivate individuals of rich, harmonious, and sound character that are disciplined, with the capacity understands human suffering and sorrow, and capable of acting with moral integrity.
3.勤労を尊重する精神の育成Cultivate a Respect for Work
職業と労働を理解し尊重する精神を養い、社会に貢献しようとする意欲を育成する。To cultivate a spirit of understanding and respecting work and labor, and to nurture a desire to contribute to society.
4.進路指導の充実Extensive Career Guidance
生徒の興味・適性・能力を尊重し、適切な進路の決定ができるように指導の充実を図る。Respect students’ interests, aptitudes, and abilities, and provide extensive guidance to help them decide on appropriate career paths.
5.学習指導の充実Extensive Academic Guidance
わかりやすい授業を心がけ、生徒の適性に応じた指導に努める。We strive to provide easy-to-understand classes and guidance according to students’ aptitudes.
6.生徒指導の充実Extensive Student guidance
生活面の指導を大切にし、正しい服装容儀、規律ある生活態度で生きる姿勢を育成する。We place importance on teaching students about daily life and cultivate an attitude of having manners and self-discipline and dressing appropriately.
7.部活動の充実Extensive Club Activities
顧問と生徒が目標に向かって共に努力してゆく中で、協調性・責任感・忍耐力を養う。We cultivate a sense of cooperation, responsibility, and perseverance as club coaches/advisors and students work together toward their goals.