



〒689-3541 鳥取県米子市二本木316番地1



公共交通機関でのアクセス Access by Public Transport

  • ・JR伯耆大山駅より徒歩10分 10 minutes walk from JR Hoki Daisen Station
  • ・浦津入口バス停より徒歩15分(日本交通バス/本宮・大山線) 15 minutes walk from Urazu Iriguchi bus stop (Nihon Kotsu Bus/Hongu/Oyama Line)
  • ・美濃バス停より徒歩10分(日本交通バス/下市線) 10 minutes walk from Mino bus stop (Nihon Kotsu Bus / Shimoichi Line)
  • ・JR伯耆大山駅バス停より徒歩10分(日本交通バス/福万線) 10 minutes walk from JR Hoki Daisen Station bus stop (Nihon Kotsu Bus/Fukuman Line)

お車でのアクセス Access by Car

  • 1)山陰道 日野川東ICより北側、伯耆大山駅前交差点を右折し約400M。 Traveling north on the road running under Sanin Expressway Hinokawa Higashi Interchange, turn right at the intersection in front of Hoki Daisen Station and drive about 400 meters.
  • 2)国道9号線、伯耆大山駅入口交差点から県道262号線に入り、伯耆大山駅前交差点を直進し約400M。 From National Highway No. 9, turn onto Prefectural Road No. 262 at the intersection of Hoki Daisen Station Entrance, go straight at the intersection in front of Hoki Daisen Station, and drive about 400 meters.

〈保護者の方へ〉お車での生徒送迎に関しての注意喚起 (For Parents and Guardians) A Reminder about Driving to and from School

  • ※本校では原則として車での送迎を禁止しております。
    As a general rule, we do not allow students to be picked up or dropped off by car.
    Students who need to be picked up or dropped off will be asked to apply for permission.