




基本情報Basic Information

学校法人 米子永島学園Yonago Nagashima Gakuen Educational Corporation
米子松蔭高等学校Yonago Shoin High School

〒689-3541 鳥取県米子市二本木316番地1316-1 Nihongi, Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture, 689-3541 Japan

生徒数(2024年5月1日現在)Number of Students (as of April 1, 2022)

1学年Year 1
特別進学コースSpecial Academic Course:33 進学コースAcademic Course:45 総合選択コースSpecialized Course:119
1学年 計1st Grade Total:197
2学年Year 2
特別進学コースSpecial Academic Course:36 進学コースAcademic Course:47 総合選択コースSpecialized Course:175
2学年 計Grade 2 Total:258
3学年Year 3
特別進学コースSpecial Academic Course:59 進学コースAcademic Course:59 総合選択コースSpecialized Course:145
3学年 計Grade 3 Total:263
[学科別 計Course Totals]
特別進学コースSpecial Academic Course:149 進学コースAcademic Course:138 総合選択コースSpecialized Course:470

生徒数 合計Total Number of Students:718

コース別卒業者数(2024年3月卒)Graduates by Course (March 2021)

特別進学コースSpecial Academic Course:50 進学コースAcademic Course:29 総合選択コースSpecialized Course:128

校地・校舎School Site and Buildings

  • 校地総面積Total Area of School Site 43,015㎡ 校舎総面積Total Area of School Buildings 9,425㎡
  • 第1体育館Gymnasium 1 1,226㎡ 第2体育館Gymnasium 2 763㎡
  • 第3体育館Gymnasium 3 450㎡ 運動場Athletic Field 27,395㎡
  • 同窓会館Alumni Hall 103㎡ 部室Club Rooms 500㎡
  • 室内トレーニング場Indoor Training Area 108㎡ 米子松蔭高等学校 松風寮Yonago Shoin High School Shofu Dormitory 641㎡
  • セミナーハウスSeminar House 60㎡



  • 1955年1955
    米子市蚊屋に米子高等経理学校として開校、校長に永島運一就任 Yonago High School of Accounting and Management is established.
    Unichi Nagashima is appointed as school principal.
  • 1962年1962
    Yonago High School of Accounting is restructured and renamed as Yonago Commercial High School which is based on Article 1 of the School Education Act.
    New school buildings are built the near National Road 9 to the north of Hoki-Daisen Station. Then the school moves to its new location.
    Ichiro Nagashima is appointed as first principal of Yonago Commercial High School.
  • 1968年1968
    永島一郎校長は島根商業高等学校に転出、校長に松尾幸雄就任 Principal Ichiro Nagashima transfers to Shimane Commercial High School.
    Yukio Matsuo is appointed as school principal.
  • 1970年1970
    米子市二本木(現在地)へ新校舎を建築し、11月に全面移転を行う New School Buildings are built in Nihongi, Yonago(current school location), and the moving process completes in November.
  • 1972年1972
    松尾幸雄校長は島根商業高等学校長に転出、校長に永島武就任 Principal Yukio Matsuo transfers to Shimane Commercial High School for the school principal position.
    Takeshi Nagashima is appointed as school principal.
  • 1973年1973
    永島運一理事長勲四等瑞宝章受章 School president Unichi Nagashia is awarded with 4th class Order of the Sacred Treasure.
  • 1975年1975
    Completion of new school building Building 7 (steel framed, one-story) on the east side of school gymnasium.
  • 1976年1976
    組織を「学校法人・永島学園」から「学校法人・米子永島学園」に改め、理事長に永島一郎、学園長に永島運一就任 “An educational corporation of Nagashima Gakuen” was reformed into “an educational corporation of Yonago Nagashima Gakuen”, with Ichiro Nagashima as school president and Unichi Nagashima as school director.
  • 1977年1977
    礼法室(鉄筋2階建、礼法室、珠算部室など)竣工  新校歌制定 作詞 中尾 清・作曲 小林昭三  永島学園創立50周年記念式典挙行 Completion of school courtesy room. (reinforced concrete, two-story, courtesy room, abacus club etc.)
    Premiere of new school song. (lyrics by Kiyoshi Nakao, music by Shozo Kobayashi)
    Commemorative ceremony for the 50th anniversary of Nagashima Gakuen is held.
  • 1978年1978
    The unveiling ceremony for Unichi Nagashima is held.
    Completion of Gymnasium 2.
  • 1979年1979
    4号館(鉄筋3階建、4教室)竣工 Completion of Building 4. (reinforced concrete, three-story, 4 classrooms)
  • 1980年1980
    創立25周年記念式典挙行 Commemorative ceremony for school’s 25th anniversary is held.
  • 1983年1983
    6号館(鉄筋3階建、普通教室(2)、生活指導室(3)、印刷室)竣工 Completion of Building 6. (reinforced concrete, three-story, classrooms (2), counselling rooms (3), printing room)
  • 1984年1984
    新図書館竣工 Completion of new school library.
  • 1985年1985
    Commemorative ceremony for school’s 30th anniversary is held.
    Completion of Indoor Training Room. (donated by alumni association)
  • 1986年1986
    The second room for Comprehensive Practicum of Commerce is completed.
    Participation in National High School Ekiden Championship.
  • 1987年1987
    永島武校長 文部大臣表彰受賞(中島源太郎大臣)
    Compltion of Building 3. (reinforced concrete, three-story, School Reception/Principal’s Office/Executive Suite/Career Counselling Room/Career Information Room/Reception Room (4)/Academic Counselling Room/ Science Preparation Room/classroom (3))
    Principal Takeshi Nagashima was awarded by the Minister of Education.
  • 1988年1988
    甲子園出場(夏) Participation in Japanese High School Baseball Championship.
  • 1989年1989
    進学Bコース・情報科学コース新設、従来の進学コースを進学Aコースとする Introduction of Academic Course B and Information Science Course. Previous “Academic Course” becomes “Academic Course A”.
  • 1990年1990
    情報科学科新設(情報科学コースを昇格) Faculty of Information Science is established. (Promotion of Information Science Course)
  • 1991年1991
    Redesign of school uniform (women)
    President Ichiro Nagashima is awarded with Medal with Blue Ribbon.
  • 1992年1992
    Ichiro Nagashima is appointed as school director, with Takeshi Nagashima as school president and Kaoru Okuda as school principal.
    Participation in National High School Baseball Invitational Tournament.
  • 1993年1993
    学校完全五日制実施 Complete implementation of five-day school week in school.
  • 1995年1995
    創立40周年記念式典挙行・中国保定市との国際交流行事を行う Commemorative ceremony for school’s 40th anniversary is held.
    The international exchange event with Baoding, China is held.
  • 1996年1996
    中国保定市女子中等専業学校へ生徒10名派遣、中国人留学生2名受け入れ 10 students were sent to Baoding Women Vocational High School and 2 Chinese international students were accepted.
  • 1998年1998
    駅伝全国大会男女出場 Participation in National High School Ekiden Championship. (men’s and women’s)
  • 1999年1999
    Completion of Building 8 (reinforced concrete, three-story, classrooms (5)/ Couse Information Room (for higher education)/Teacher’s Waiting Room)
    Introduction of Enriched Course by General Academic Faculty.
  • 2000年2000
    永島武理事長 文部大臣表彰受賞(大島理森大臣)
    Participation in Japanese High School Baseball Championship.
    Women’s 8th in National High School Ekiden Championship.
    School president Takeshi Nagashima receives Minister of Education Award. (from Minister Tadamori Oshima)
  • 2001年2001
    米子松蔭高等学校に校名変更、校長に成田寛史就任、商業家庭コースを生活ビジネスコースに名称変更 Changes school name to Yonago Shoin High School.
    Hiroshi Narita is appointed as school principal.
    Renamed “Commercial Course” to “Business Course”.
  • 2003年2003
    創立50周年記念事業として第3体育館竣工 Completion of Gymnasium 3 as the commemorative project for the 50th anniversary.
  • 2005年2005
    Toshihide Ueda is appointed as school principal.
    Business Arts Course is introduced by Business Faculty.
    Commemorative ceremony for school’s 50th anniversary is held.
  • 2006年2006
    Takeshi Nagashima is appointed as school director and Masamichi Nagashima is appointed as school president.
    Accounting course and Study of Distribution course in the department of commerce are integrated into “Creative Study of Commerce” course.
  • 2007年2007
    The school changes the name of the department of Information Science into that of Comprehensive Study of Information, and modifies its curriculum.
    Women’s softball team places 5th in Interscholastic Athletic Meet, the national high school competitions.
  • 2008年2008
    永島武学園長 日本私立中学高等学校連合会長表彰受賞
    Academic Course A and B of the Business Faculty is combined to Academic Course, and the course content is redesigned.
    Enriched Corse type A and type B are introduced by General Academic Faculty.
    School president Takeshi Nagashima receives Japan Private High School Federation Chairman’s Award.
  • 2009年2009
    「数検」グランプリ金賞受賞 Wins the gold medal at the Grand Prix Competition of Global Mathematics Certification or “Suken.”
  • 2010年2010
    金融庁と日本銀行による連名表彰 金融知識普及功績者表彰受賞
    The school reforms its departments and courses: The Departments are the General-purpose (course for higher education; course for Humanities and Sciences; Multi-purpose course), Managements and Economics (course for higher education), the Comprehensive Study of Commerce (courses for Study of Commerce; Study of Life-design and Welfare), and the Comprehensive Study of Information (course for study of art; course for information).
    The school receives the commendation given to individuals or organizations that contribute to promotion of knowledge about finance in the names of both Financial Services Agency and the Bank of Japan.
  • 2011年2011
    Completion of seismic retrofitting construction work (an earthquake prevention structure) for all school buildings.
    Air Conditioning system are installed in all classrooms.
    Relocation and renovation of school library.
  • 2012年2012
    交換留学生としてオハイオ州へ1名派遣、ケンタッキー州より1名受入れ 1 student is sent to Ohio and 1 student is accepted from Kentucky as exchange students.
  • 2013年2013
    Tomoshige Saeki is appointed as school principal
    Shohokai (PTA) receives the commendation for excellent PTA by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
  • 2014年2014
    ハイスクールジャパンカップソフトテニス2014で、女子ソフトテニス部(松本・小谷ペア)が優勝 Women’s soft tennis team (Matsumoto and Kodani pair) wins High School Japan-Cup Soft Tennis 2014.
  • 2015年2015
    Commemorative ceremony for school’s 60th anniversary is held.
    Redesign of school uniform (men and women)
  • 2017年2017
    甲子園出場(夏) Participation in the 99th Japanese National High School Baseball Championship.
  • 2018年2018
    Abolishment of Commerce Faculty for changes are made for faculties and courses.
    Existing courses are restructured into 3 new courses: Enriched Course (α & β), Academic Course and Specialized Course.
  • 2019年2019
    校長に長﨑成輝就任 Seiki Nagasaki is appointed as school principal.
  • 2020年2020
    学園長に永島正道、理事長に舩守伸昭就任 Masamichi Nagashima is appointed as school director and Nobuaki Funamori is appointed as school president.
  • 2022年2022
    理事長に永島正道、校長・副理事長に長﨑成輝就任、米子松蔭高等学校松風寮開設 理事長に永島正道、校長・副理事長に長﨑成輝就任、米子松蔭高等学校松風寮開設